Papers & Chapters | Presentations

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Papers & Chapters
2025/in press
Cho, H. J., Lim, S., Turner, M. M., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (in press). Eyes on VR: Unpacking the Causal Chain Between Exposure, Reception, and Retention for Emotional Billboard Messages. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. link|code

Hussain, A., Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., & Bouali, N. (2025). Comparing AI and Human-Generated Health Messages in an Arabic Cultural Context. Global Health Action. link|code

Cho, H.J., Lim, S., Saenz, M., & Schmälzle, R. (2025). Memory inception through gaze-contingent message exposure: Using Virtual Reality to study media influence. bioRxiv. link|code

Schmälzle, R., Wu, J., Lim, S., & Bente, G. (in press). Inter-Subject Correlations of Pupillary Audience Responses Decoding Visual Attention and Predicting Memory in a VR Media Setting. Journal of Media Psychology. link|code

Pena, J., Huskey, R., Gong, X., Andrews, M., Weisman, W., Kee, R., Klein, V., Sarieva S Kang, R., Schmälzle, R., & Hancock, J.. (in press). Media Neuroscience on a Shoestring 2.0: Using AR and Mobile EEG Hyperscanning to Study Cooperation. Journal of Media Psychology.

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Jahn, N., Wilcox, S., & Ye, Q.. (2024). Collective Brain Alignment During Story Reception: Shared Neural Responses in French, Chinese, and English Listeners of Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). Asian Communication Research. link|code

Imhof, M. A., Flösch Karl P., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H. T.. (2024). Beyond lab boundaries: Portable EEG in focus groups viewing health messages. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. link|code

Jeon, M., Lim, S., and Lapinski, M., Spates, S., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R.. (2024). Attention and Retention Effects of Culturally Targeted Billboard Messages: An Eye-Tracking Study using Immersive Virtual Reality. bioRxiv. link|code

Schmälzle, R.+, Jahn, N.+, & Bente, G.. (2024). Charting the silent signals of social gaze: Automating eye contact assessment in face-to-face conversations. bioRxiv. link|code [+ Shared first authorship]

Lim, S., Cho, H. J., Jeon, m., Cui, X., & Schmälzle, R.. (2024). Using VR and eye-tracking to study attention to and retention of AI-generated ads in outdoor advertising environments. bioRxiv. link|code

Cho, H.-J., Lim, S., Turner, M., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Eyes on VR: Unpacking the Causal Chain Between Exposure, Reception, and Retention for Emotional Billboard Messages. bioRxiv. link|code

Lim, S., Schmälzle, R., & Bente, G.. (2024). Artificial social influence via human-embodied AI agent interaction in immersive virtual reality (VR): Effects of similarity-matching during health conversations. arXiv. link

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R. (2024). The effect of source disclosure on evaluation of AI-generated messages: A two-part study. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans. link|pdf|code

Schmälzle, R.+, Wu, J.+, Lim, S., & Bente, G.. (2024). The eyes have it: Inter-subject correlations of pupillary responses for audience response measurement in VR. bioRxiv. [+ Shared first authorship] link|code

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Wu, J., Bezbaruah, S., & Hussain, A. (2024). Converging crowds and tied twins: Audience brain responses to the same movie are consistent across continents and enhanced among twins. Journal of Media Psychology. link|code

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., & Huskey, R. (2024). Brain imaging as a window into the biological basis of social cognition and communication. In. T. Reimer, L. van Swol, & A. Florack (Eds.). Handbook of Communication and Social Cognition.

Huskey, R., & Schmälzle, R.. (2024). Finding Middle Ground In Cognitive Media Psychology. In. N. Bowman & N.D. Shackleford (Eds). De Gruyter Handbook Entertainment Media and Communication. link

Tamborini, R., Schmälzle, R., & Bowman, N. D.. (2024). The role of theory in media entertainment research. In. N. Bowman & N.D. Shackleford (Eds). Degruyter Handbook Entertainment Media and Communication, link

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R. (2023). The effect of source disclosure on evaluation of AI-generated messages: A two-part study. arRxiv. link | [code]

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R. (2023). Exploring the mechanisms of AI message generation: A chatbot development activity for students. Communication Teacher. link|code

Schmälzle, R., Liu, H., Delle, F., Lewin, K., Jahn, N. T., Zhang, Y., Yoon, H., & Long, J. (2023). Moment-by-moment tracking of audience brain responses to an engaging public speech: Replicating the reverse-message engineering approach. Communication Monographs. link|code

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Cho, H. J., Wu, J., & Bente, G. (2023). The VR Billboard Paradigm: Using VR and eye-tracking to examine the Exposure-Reception-Retention link in realistic communication environments. bioRxiv. link|code

Schmälzle, R., & Huskey, R. (2023). Skyhooks, Cranes, and the Construct Dump: A Comment on and Extension of Boster (2023). Asian Communication Research. link

Schmälzle, R., & Huskey, R. (2023). Integrating Media Content Analysis, Reception Analysis, and Media Effects Studies. Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neuroscience and the Media). link

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R.. (2023). Artificial intelligence for health message generation: Theory, method, and an empirical study using prompt engineering. Frontiers in Communication: Health Communication. link|code

Holmstrom, A., Dorrance-Hall, E., Wilcox, S., & Schmälzle, R.. (2023). Confirmation, Disconfirmation, and Communal Coping for Joint Physical Activity in Romantic Dyads. Health Communication. link

Bente, G., Schmälzle, R., Jahn, N. T., & Schaaf, A. (2023). Measuring the Effects of Co-Location on Emotion Perception in Shared Virtual Environments: An Ecological Perspective. Frontiers in Virtual Reality. link|code

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R.. (2022). Artificial intelligence for health message generation: Theory, method, and an empirical study using prompt engineering. arXiv, 2212.07507. link|code

Schmälzle, R. (2022). Theory and method for studying how messages prompt shared brain responses along the sensation-to-cognition continuum. Communication Theory. 32(4), 450-460. link

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., & Jahn, N. T. (2022). Identifying moments of peak audience engagement from brain responses during story listening. Communication Monographs. 89(4), 515-538. link|code

Schmälzle, R., & Wilcox, S. (2022). Harnessing artificial intelligence for health message generation: The folic acid message engine. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(1):e28858. link

Bente, G., Schmälzle, R., Kryston, K., & Jahn, N.. (2022). Building blocks of suspense. Subjective and physiological effects of narrative content and film music. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 9, 449. link|code

Grady, S. M., Schmälzle, R., & Baldwin, J. A.. (2022). Examining the relationship between story structure and audience response: How shared brain activity varies over the course of a narrative. Projections – Journal for Movies and Mind, 16(3), 1-28 link|code

Jahn, N., Meshi, D., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (2022). Media neuroscience on a shoestring: Examining electrocortical responses to visual stimuli via mobile EEG. Journal of Media Psychology. (advance online) link|code

Baldwin, J. A., & Schmälzle, R. (2021). A character recognition tool for automatic detection of social characters in visual media content. Computational Communication Research. link|code

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., & Grall, C. (2021). Neuroimaging in environmental communication research. In. Takahashi , Metag, Thaker & Evans-Comfort: ICA-Routledge Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication. 437-448. link

Dorrance-Hall, E., Wilcox, S., Holmstrom, A., McGraw, J. & Schmälzle, R. (2021). Reactance to healthy eating and physical activity messages: Face threat and face management strategies in memorable daily conversations among couples. Health Communication. link

Grall, C., Weber, R., Tamborini, R, & Schmälzle, R. (2021). Stories collectively engage listeners’ brains: Enhanced intersubject correlations during reception of personal narratives. Journal of Communication, 71(2), 332–355, link|code

Anderson, J., Lapinski, M., Turner, M., Peng, T., & Schmälzle, R. (2021). Speaking of values: Value-expressive communication and exercise intentions. Health Communication. link

Wilcox, S., Dorrance Hall, E., Holmstrom, A.J. & Schmälzle, R. (2020). The emerging frontier of interpersonal communication and neuroscience: scanning the social synapse. Annals of the International Communication Association. pdf

Schmälzle, R.+, & Grall, C.+ (2020). The coupled brains of captivated audiences: An investigation of the collective brain dynamics of an audience watching a suspenseful film. Journal of Media Psychology. [+Shared first authorship] pdf|code

Schmälzle, R., & Grall, C. (2020). Mediated messages and synchronized brains. In. Floyd & Weber: Handbook of Communication Science and Biology, 109-122. pdf|link

Schmälzle, R.+, Cooper, N.+, O’Donnell, B.M., Tompson, S., Lee, S., Cantrell, J., Vettel, J. M., & Falk, E. B. (2020). The effectiveness of online messages for promoting smoking cessation resources: Predicting nationwide campaign effects from neural responses in the EX campaign. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, pdf| code [+Shared frist authorship].

Schmälzle, R., & Grall, C. (2020). Psychophysiological methods: Options, uses, and validity. In: The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. (Eds. J. Van den Bulck, M.-L. Mares). Wiley-Blackwell’s International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology.pdf

Imhof, M. Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2020). Strong health messages increase audience brain coupling. NeuroImage. pdf|code

Huskey, R., Eden, A., Grall, C., Meshi, D., Prena, K., Schmälzle, R., Scholz, C., Turner, B., & Wilcox, S. (2020). Marr’s tri-Level framework integrates biology with communication science . Journal of Communication, 70(3), 356-378. pdf

Schmälzle, R.+ & Meshi, D.+ (2020). Communication neuroscience: Theory, methodology, and experimental approaches. Communication Methods and Measures. pdf [+Shared first authorship]

Grall, C. & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Neurocinematics. In: The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. (Eds. J. Van den Bulck, M.-L. Mares). Wiley-Blackwell’s International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. link

Schmälzle, R.,Imhof, M., Kenter, A., Renner, B. & Schupp, H.T. (2019). Impressions of HIV risk online: Brain potentials while viewing online dating profiles. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19(5), 1203-1217. pdf|code

Kranzler, E. C., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M. B., Pei, R., & Falk, E. B. (2019). Message-elicited brain response moderates the relationship between opportunities for exposure to anti-smoking messages and message recall. Journal of Communication. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Hartung, F-M., Imhof, M., Kenter, A., Renner, B. & Schupp, H.T. (2019). Visual cues that predict intuitive risk perception in the case of HIV. PLOSOne. pdf|code

Pei, R., Schmälzle, R., Kranzler, E., O’Donnell, M. B., & Falk, E. B. (2019). Neural activity during anti-smoking message exposure predicts subsequent message sharing engagement. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 56(2), S40-S48. pdf

Schlicht-Schmälzle, R., Chykina, V.,& Schmälzle, R.(2018). An attitude network analysis of post-national citizenship identities. PLOSOne, 13(12), e0208241. pdf|code

Kryston, K., Novotny, E., and Schmälzle, R., & Tamborini, R. (2018). Social demand in video games and the synchronization theory of flow. Ed. N. Bowman. Video Games: A Medium that Demands Our Attention.

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M. B., Pei, R. & Falk, E.B. (2018). Adolescent neural responses to anti-smoking messages, perceived effectiveness, and sharing intention. Media Psychology. pdf|code

Imhof+, M.A., Schmälzle+, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2017). How real-life health messages engage our brains: Shared processing of effective anti-alcohol videos.. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. [+Shared first authorship] pdf

Schmälzle, R., Imhof, M.A., Grall, C., Flaisch, T., & Schupp, H.T. (2017). Reliability of fMRI time series: Similarity of neural processing during movie viewing. biorxiv. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Brook O’Donnell, M., Garcia, J.O., Cascio, C.N.C., Bayer, J., Vettel, J., Bassett, D., & Falk, E.B. (2017). Brain connectivity dynamics during social interaction reflect social network structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. pdf|code

Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H. T.. (2017). Health risk perception and risk communication. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. pdf

2016 and before
Schupp, H.T., Kirmse, U., Schmalzle, R., Flaisch, T., & Renner, B. (2016). Newly-formed emotional memories guide selective attention processes: Evidence from event-related potentials.. Scientific reports, 6, 28091. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Häcker, F., Honey Christopher J, & Hasson, U. (2015). Engaged listeners: Shared neural processing of powerful political speeches. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neurosciences, 1, 168-169. pdf

Renner, B., Gamp, M., Schmälzle, R., & Schupp, H.T. (2015). Health risk perception. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 10, 702-709. pdf

Flaisch, T., Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Wentz, K., Ibach, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2015). Implicit and explicit attention to pictures and words: An fMRI-study of concurrent emotional stimulus processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1), 1861. pdf

Becker, C., Schmälzle, R., Flaisch, T., & Schupp, H. T.. (2015). Thirst and the state-dependent representation of incentive stimulus value in human motive circuitry. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neurosciences, 10(12), 1722-1729. pdf

Barth, A., Schmälzle, R., Hartung, F., Britta Renner, & Schupp, H.T. (2015). How target and perceiver gender affect impressions of HIV risk. Frontiers in Public Health, section HIV and AIDS, 3(1), 223. pdf

Schupp, H. T., Schmälzle, R., & Flaisch, T. (2014). Explicit semantic stimulus categorization interferes with implicit emotion processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1738-1745. pdf

Häcker, F., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2014). Neural correlates of HIV risk feelings. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, doi:10.1093/scan/nsu093(nsu093), 1-6. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Häcker, F., Renner, B., Honey, C.J., & Schupp, H.T. (2013). Neural correlates of risk perception during real-life risk communication. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(25), 10340-10347. pdf

Barth, A., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H. T. (2013). Neural correlates of risk perception: HIV vs. leukemia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7(1), 1. pdf

Schupp, H.T., Schmälzle, R., Flaisch, T., Weike, A.I., & Hamm, A.O. (2012). Affective picture processing as a function of preceding picture valence: An ERP analysis. Biological Psychology, 91(1), 81-87. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2012). Neural correlates of perceived risk: the case of HIV. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7(6), 667-676. pdf

Renner, B., Schmälzle, R., & Schupp, H.T. (2012). First impressions of HIV risk: it takes only milliseconds to scan a stranger. PloS One, 7(1), e30460. pdf

Schmälzle, R., Schupp, H.T., Barth, A., & Renner, B. (2011). Implicit and explicit processes in risk perception: neural antecedents of perceived HIV risk. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5(1), 1. pdf

Bublatzky, F., Flaisch, T., Stockburger, J., Schmälzle, R., & Schupp, H.T. (2010). The interaction of anticipatory anxiety and emotional picture processing: An event-related brain potential study. Psychophysiology, 47(4), 687-696. pdf

Stockburger, J., Schmälzle, R., Flaisch, T., Bublatzky, F., & Schupp, H.T.. (2009). The impact of hunger on food cue processing: an event-related brain potential study. Neuroimage, 47(4), 1819-1829. pdf

Schupp, H.T., Stockburger, J., Schmälzle, R., Bublatzky, F., Weike, A.I., & Hamm, A.O. (2008). Visual noise effects on emotion perception: brain potentials and stimulus identification. Neuroreport, 19(2), 167-171. pdf

Renner, B., Schupp, H.T., & Schmälzle, R. (2008). Risikowahrnehmung und Risikokommunikation. Handbuch für Gesundheitspsychologie und Medizinische Psychologie, 16(3), 113-121.

Renner, B., Schupp, H.T., Vollmann, M., Hartung, F., Schmälzle, R., & Panzer, M. (2008). Risk perception, risk communication and health behavior change. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 16(3), 150-153.

Google Scholar | PubMed | Research Gate

Lim, S. & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meets Virtual Reality (VR): Persuasive Impact of Gender-Matching in a Health-Related Conversation with an Embodied ChatGPT Agent. National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Hussain, A., Lim, S. & Bouali, N. (2024). AI vs. Human-Generated Multilingual Road Safety Messages for a Multicultural Arabic-Speaking Population in UAE. National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA. [Conference Extended Abstract, Presentation]

Lim, S., Cho, H.-J., Jeon, S. & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Leveraging Virtual Reality (VR) with Eye-Tracking and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Message Effects Research,. Kentucky Conference for Health Communication [Conference Abstract, Poster]

Lim, S., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Computational Analysis of Dyadic Facial Expressions in Face-to-Face Conversations. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia [Conference Abstract, Presentation]

Cho, H.J., Lim, S., Turner, M., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Emotion on Display: Using the VR Billboard Paradigm to Examine the Link between Exposure, Reception, and Retention for Emotional Billboard Messages. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia [Conference Abstract, Presentation]

Jeon, M., Lim, S., Lapinski, M., Bente, G., & Schmälzle, R. (2024). Effects of Cultural Tailoring on Visual Attention: A VR-Eye-Tracking Study Using a Billboard Paradigm. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia [Conference Abstract, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Wu, J., Lim, S., & Bente, G. (2023). The eyes have it: Introducing the pupillary audience response measurement approach (PARMA). International Communication Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Wu. J., Bezbaruah, S., & Hussain, A. (2023). Two of a Kind: Adolescent Twins’ Brains Align More Closely During A Social Movie. National Communication Association, National Harbor. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R. (2023). AI-Generated Messages: Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Persuasive Health Message Generation. National Communication Association, National Harbor. [Conference Paper, Presentation] [pdf (

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Wu. J., Cho, H.-J., & Bente, G. (2023). The VR Billboard Paradigm: Using VR and Eye-tracking to Examine the Exposure-Reception-Retention Link in Realistic Visual Communication Environments. National Communication Association, National Harbor. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Jahn, N., Bente, G. & Schmälzle, R. (2023). Eye contact in communication: Message reception and signaling through gaze. International Communication Association Conference, Toronto. [Presentation]

Lim, S. & Schmälzle, R. (2023). Leveraging Prompt-Engineering to Generate Vaping Prevention Messages: A Role for Artificial Intelligence in Health Communication. [Conference Poster, DCHC]

Lim, S. & Schmälzle, R. (2023). Leveraging Prompt-Engineering to Generate Health Awareness Messages - A Role for Artificial Neural Networks in Communication Science. International Communication Association Conference, Toronto. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Wu, J., Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., & Bente, G. (2023) From Viewable Impressions to Neural Impressions: Combining EEG and VR to Develop Measurement for Responses to Media. Social & Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara. [Conference Poster, Presentation]

Klein, V., Gong, X. J., Andrews, M. W., Weisman, W., Huskey, R., Peña, J., Sarieva, S., Kang, R., Schmälzle, R., & Hancock, J. (2023). Collaborative Tasks and Intersubject Correlation: A Naturalistic Hyperscanning Paradigm Using AR Tangram and Muse EEG. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

Gong, J., Andrews, M., Weisman, W. Huskey, R., Peña, J., Klein, V., Sarieva, S., Kang, R., Schmälzle, R., & Hancock, J. (2023). Intersubject Synchrony and Collaborative Task Performance: A Hyperscanning Paradigm Using AR Tangram and the Muse EEG. International Communication Association Conference, Toronto. [Presentation]

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2022). Using EEG to measure shared audience engagement during real-life videos against distraction in road traffic. Psychology & the Brain Conference (Germany) [Abstract, Poster]

Schmälzle, R., Ye, Q., Zhang, Y., Delle, F., Liu, H., Yoon, H., Lewin, K., Jahn, N., & Long, J. (2022). Moment-by-moment tracking of brain responses to an engaging story: A replication and extension study. National Communication Association Conference, New Orleans. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., Jahn, N., Lim, S., & Ye, Q. (2022). Common story-induced brain responses across languages: How ‘Le Petit Prince’ connects the brains of french, chinese, and english listeners. International Communication Association Conference, Paris. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Bente, G., Schmälzle, R., & Jahn., N. (2022). Mutual gaze in communication: Validation of a dyadic approach to studying gaze in social interaction. International Communication Association Conference, Paris. [Presentation]

Holmstrom, A. J., Dorrance Hall., E., Wilcox, S., & Schmälzle, R. ( 2022) Confirmation, Disconfirmation, and Communal Coping for Joint Physical Activity in Romantic Dyads. Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Bente, G., Kryston, K., Schmälzle, R., & Jahn., N. (2022). The sound of suspense. Measuring the effects of non-diegetic music in a short movie drama. Paper submitted to the 2022 International Communication Association Conference. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Wilcox, S., Holmstrom, A., Dorrance-Hall, E., & Schmälzle, R. (2022). Exploring the effects of acceptance and challenge on face threat in conversations about diet and physical activity goals, choices, and behavior change between romantic partners [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Bente, G., Schaaf, A., Lee, J., Schmälzle, R., & Jahn, N., (2022).Measuring the effects of spatial co-presence on emotion perception in virtual environments. International Communication Association Conference, Paris. [Presentation]

Dorrance Hall., E., Wilcox, S., Holmstrom, A. J., McGraw, J., Schmälzle, R. (2021). Reactance to healthy eating and physical activity messages: Face threat and politeness strategies in memorable daily conversations among couples. Paper submitted to the 2021 National Communication Association Conference. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., & Jahn, N. (2021). Identifying moments of peak audience engagement from brain responses to a funny story in regions associated with audition, social cognition, and reward. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Seattle, USA [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Grady, S., Schmälzle, R., Grady, S., Baldwin, J., Goble, H., Sethi, N., & Han, J. (2021). How shared brain activity varies over the course of a narrative in regions associated with social cognition and story comprehension. Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R. & Wilcox, S. (2021). Harnessing AI for health message generation: The folic acid message engine. D.C. Conference On Health Communication, 2021. [Poster, Presentation]

Jahn, N. & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Communication Neuroscience on a shoestring. Using low-cost mobile EEG devices to examine responses to visual messages. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Indiana, USA [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Grady, S., Baldwin, J., Goble, H., Sethi, N., & Han, J. (2020). How shared brain activity varies over the course of a narrative in regions associated with social cognition and story comprehension. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Indiana, USA [Conference Paper, Presentation | top paper award Social Cognition Division]

Grall, C., Eden, A., & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Personal stories inspire the alignment of audience brain responses. International Communication Association Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. [Conference Paper, Presentation | top paper award ICA Communication Science and Biology]

Wilcox, S., Holmstrom, A., Dorrance-Hall, E., & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Promoting shared understanding between interpersonal communication and neuroscience. PInternational Communication Association Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Holmstrom, A., Dorrance-Hall, E., & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Dyadic conversations about diet and physical activity: Examining the relationship between face-threatening messages, psychological reactance, and health attitudes and behaviors. International Communication Association Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Anderson, J., Lapinski, M., Turner, M., Peng, W., & Schmälzle, R. (2020). Speaking of values: Value-expressive communication and exercise intentions. International Communication Association Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Baldwin, J., & Schmälzle, R. (2019). Applying facial recognition algorithms to automatic video-based content analysis: Introduction of method and testing internal validity. National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Grall, C., Jahn, N. & Schmälzle, R. (2019). The relationship between collective brain dynamics and audience perceptions of suspense in response to narrative media. National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Huskey, R., Eden, A., Meshi, D., Prena, K., Turner, B., Grall, C., Schmälzle, R., Scholz, C. (2019). Is ommunication Neuroscience just another subfield in an already crowded discipline? National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2019). An EEG measure of shared audience engagement during real-life alcohol prevention videos. Psychologie & Gehirn, Dresden, Germany [Poster, Abstract]

Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Schmälzle, R. Bansal, K., Wasylyshyn, N., Roy, H., Lauharatanahirun, N., Johnson, T, Fernandez, R., O’Donnell, M., Falk, E., Metcalfe, J., Vettel, J., & Garcia, J.O. (2019). Capturing communication success of driver-passenger dyads during real-world driving. IEEE-EMBS IEEE EMBS, Conference On Neural Engineering, San Francisco [Abstract, Poster].

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2019). An EEG measure of shared audience engagement during real-life alcohol prevention videos. NeuroCog UniKN Annual Meeting, Konstanz [Poster, Abstract]

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2019). Synchronized audience brain respons to alcohol prevention messages. Social Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Miami [Poster, Abstract].

Kranzler, E. Schmälzle, Pei, R., Brook O’Donnell, M., & Falk, E.B. (2019). Message-elicited brain response moderates the relationship between opportunities for exposure to anti-smoking messages and message recall. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Imhof, M., Kenter, A., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T., & Renner, B. (2019). Impressions of HIV risk online: Brain potentials during viewing online dating profiles. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R. & Grall, C. (2019). The coupled brains of captivated audiences. How suspense in a movie modulates collective brain dynamics. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation | top paper award ICA Communication Science and Biology]

Schmälzle, R. & Grall, C. (2019). Can we decode the polarity of subjective evaluative responses? Not yet. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R. (2019). Decoding the speech envelope from EEG data: What’s in it for Communication Neuroscience? International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2019). EEG intersubject correlation analysis of alcohol prevention messages. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Baldwin, J. & Schmälzle, R. (2019). A character recognition tool for visual content analysis. International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA. [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Schmälzle, R., Cooper, N., O’Donnell, M., Vettel, J., & Falk, E. (2018). Predicting nationwide campaign effects from multivariate brain activity signatures. International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Grall, C., & Schmälzle, R. (2018). From pixels to media effects. A study of 600 brains watching a suspenseful movie. International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic [Conference Paper, Presentation | top paper award ICA Communication Science and Biology]

Schmälzle, R., Kranzler, E., Pei, R., O’Donnell, M., Hornik, B., & Falk, E. (2018). Linking collectively shared brain responses during anti-smoking messaging to population-level memory. International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic [Conference Paper, Presentation]

Shumaker, C., O’Donnell, M., Schmälzle, R., Lieberman, M. & Falk, E.B (2018). Neural synchrony relates to perceived authenticity in retelling stories. Social Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York [Poster].

Grall, C. & Schmälzle, R. (2018). The coupled brains of captivated audiences. How suspense in a movie modulates collective brain dynamics. Social Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York [Poster].

Schmälzle, R. & Grall, C. & (2018). The coupled brains of captivated audiences. How suspense in a movie modulates collective brain dynamics. MSU Conference on Neurocognitive Science [Poster].

Schmälzle, R., Grall, C., Lee, J., & Eden, A. (2018). Neural processing of inspirational stories. [Conference Presentation, Media2Inspire, Florida State University, Talahassee].

Schlicht-Schmälzle, R., Chykina, V., & Schmälzle, R. (2018). Network analysis of global citizenship attitudes. Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago [Conference Paper, Presentation].

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M., Pei, R., & Falk, E. (2018). Message-elicited brain response moderates the relationship between exogenous exposure to anti-smoking messages and message recall. 2018 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, Kentucky [Conference Paper].

Lee, J., Grall, C., Schmälzle, R. & Eden, A. (2017). Identifying inspirational language and memorable messages in text. 2017 National Communication Association, Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA [Conference Paper]

Kranzler, E., Pei, R., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M., & Falk, E. ( 2018). Adolescent neural responses to anti-smoking messages, perceived ad effectiveness, and sharing intention and elaboration. 2018 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA [Conference Paper].

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2017). How real-life health messages engage our brains. Shared processing of effective anti-alcohol videos. Society for Psychophysiological Research. Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria [Poster].

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M., Pei, R., & Falk, E. (2017). Brain processes involved in self-related processing during message exposure also utilized during recall of ‘The real cost’ anti-smoking campaign. International Communication Association Conference ICA, San Diego, USA. [Talk]

Pei, R., Schmälzle, R., Kranzler, E., Brook O’Donnell, M., & Falk, E.B. ( 2017). Neural activity during anti-smoking message exposure predicts subsequent message elaboration. International Communication Association Conference ICA, San Diego, USA. [top paper award ICA InfoSys, Talk]

Schmälzle, R., Hartung, F.-M., Schupp, H.T., & Renner, B. ( 2017). Signs of HIV risk. International Communication Association Conference ICA, San Diego, USA. [Paper, Talk]

Schmälzle, R., Imhof, M., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2017). NeuroComm How health messages reach our brains: Coupled neural dynamics during effective anti-alcohol videos. International Communication Association Conference ICA, San Diego, USA. [Paper, Talk]

Schmälzle, R., Brook O’Donnell, M., Garcia, J.O., Cascio, C., Bayer, J., Bassett, D.S.B., Vettel, J., & Falk, E. (2017). Association between social network structure and brain connectivity during social exclusion. International Communication Association Conference ICA, San Diego, USA. [Paper, Talk]

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R. Pei, R., Brook O’Donnell, M., & Falk, E.B. (2017). Brain processes involved in self-related processing during message exposure also used during recall of “The Real Cost” Anti-Smoking Campaign. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco SRNT, Chicago. [Abstract, Talk].

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M., Pei, R., & Falk, E. (2017). Brain processes involved in self-related processing during message exposure also utilized during recall of ‘The real cost’ anti-smoking campaign. 2017 SRNT Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, [Abstract].

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2017). The neural signature of effective health messages: Inter-subject synchronization during alcohol-related PSA exposure. Social, Cognitive, & Affective Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA [Abstract, SANS Student Poster Award]

Pei, R., Schmälzle, R., Kranzler, E., O’Donnell, M., & Falk, E. (2017). Neural activity during anti-smoking message exposure predicts subsequent message elaboration. Social, Cognitive, & Affective Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA. [Abstract, Poster]

Schmälzle, R., Brook O’Donnell, M., Garcia, J.O., Cascio, C., Bayer, J., Bassett, DSB., Vettel, J., & Falk, E. (2017). Association between social network structure and brain connectivity during social exclusion. Social, Cognitive, & Affective Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA [Abstract, Poster]

Shumaker, K., Brook O’Donnell, M., Schmaelzle, R., & Falk, E. (2016) Accuracy, authenticity and intersubject correlation in storytelling. The Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Biennial Meeting, Paris [Abstract, Poster].

Imhof, M., Schmälzle, R., Renner, B., & Schupp, H.T. (2016). The neural signature of effective health messages: Inter-subject synchronization during alcohol-related PSA exposure. German Society for Psychophysiological Research and its Applications (DGPA), [Abstract, Poster, Flashlight Talk]